

Stowarzyszenie na rzecz innowacji i edukacji


Main goal of the Association for Innovation and Education (AFIE) is to promote innovative ways of VET education and training, focusing on increasing the effectiveness and attractiveness of teaching methods, as well as bringing learning outcomes closer to the needs and requirements of the labour market by improving competences and professional qualifications. AFIE initiates and supports activities aimed at increasing the range, scale and innovativeness of formal, non-formal and informal education and implements actions aimed at adapting the competencies and qualifications of employees to the needs of the labour market


M.M.C Management Centre Limited


M.M.C Management Center Ltd has been founded in 2002 and provides training courses for Adult Learning and for VET. The training department uses specialised tools for the implementation of training needs analysis of different target groups as well as for the evaluation of the training results. Additionally, MMC uses specialised assessment tools developed by its research team. MMC has developed its own e-learning platforms for the development of key competences as well as for language learning. Additionally modern ICT and other methodological tools are often used during trainings. MMC has a vast experience in coordination of projects as it has already coordinated very big projects such as EQUAL, Leonardo DOI, Leonardo TOI and Key activity which proves that is can successfully coordinate this consortium also. Through its participation in several European projects MMC has participated in several transnational meetings and events, therefore its staff has developed its intercultural awareness and is able to work effectively in a European environment.




Τhe mission of ENAT is to make European tourism destinations, products and services accessible to all travellers and to promote accessible tourism around the world. ENAT aims to achieve this by bringing together sector actors to share their experience, learn from each other and collaborate in national and international projects and programmes. ENAT conducts research on and promotes wider awareness and understanding of the need for accessibility in all areas of travel and tourism throughout Europe and supports the development and spread of accessible tourism policies and practices. ENAT works to develop knowledge and expertise on accessibility issues in the European tourism field. It develops vocational training curricula and programmes and accredited courses for tourism and hospitality students and professionals.




Tourism Generis founded in 2015 in order to offer support to all those who take business decisions in the tourism sector. Focusing on the international tourism market, understanding the dynamics of supply and demand, the value of human capital and the importance of the institutional framework, Tourism Generis can either stand next to the customers or carry out the project on their behalf. Tourism Generis is characterized by flexibility and adaptability: this creates the most suitable shape for the support and/or implementation of customer decisions.




Founded in 1985, Omega Technology is an experienced and well known IT provider company in Greece. The Company serves Greek public bodies, enterprises and other organizations with technology and services made possible by its 34 years of experience. Its solutions include e-learning, virtual reality applications, assisted living solutions, tailor-made applications for people with disabilities, as well as e-commerce applications, document and knowledge management systems.  The company is also offering a broad range of management and services including consulting, research and development, digitization, annotation and preservation of content, hardware supply and technical support. The company’s research department is active in the R&D arena, in close cooperation with Academia and Research Institutes, running several R&D projects and market validation projects.


Cyprus Certification Company


Cyprus Certification Company (CCC) is a government-owned Certification Organization founded in 2001 and operating as a private company with the Government being its only shareholder and it is managed by a 7-member Board. CCC operates in the field of certification of management systems(eg ISO 9001. ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 22000 ets), certification of training programs and training and exam centers, inspection of playgrounds and playground equipment, inspection of lifts, product certification, CE marking, certification of persons etc. CCC also operates a training center approved by the relevant government body (the Human Resource Development Authority - HRDA) and provides training in relevant to its services subjects, and also in specialized areas as those arise from the industry’s needs. CCC implements a Quality Management System in accordance with the requirements of CYS EN ISO/ IEC 17021, CYS EN ISO/ IEC 17020 and CYS EN 17065. This is accredited by the Hellenic Accreditation System S.A (ESYD) and notified by the Cyprus Organization for the Promotion of Quality (CYSAB). CCC is a member of the International Quality Network (IQNet), and all certified by CCC companies also obtain an IQNet Certificate



Forma Camera is the Special Agency of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Craft and Agriculture of Rome set up for the promotion and organization of training courses, qualification, updating and specialization. Forma Camera mission is Education and Training. The last years, due to Covid-19 emergency, the organisation turned its activities from presential training, to remote training, continuing its activity and showing great flexibility in change management.




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